835 Market Street, Suite 700
San Francisco, California 94103

This interactive event provides a variety of valuable small business sessions each day. You'll get tips, advice, and secrets from experts, all designed to make the hats you wear each day fit more comfortably. Walk away with hundreds of dollars of software, services and special offers.

Entrepreneur Package for small business owners includes one registration fee of $10.50, giftbag and, for this single fee, attend any or all sessions May 13 – 15, 2008.

Cost and Reservations
Entrepreneur Package for small business owners includes one registration fee of $10.50, giftbag and, for this single fee, attend any or all sessions May 13 – 15, 2008.
To register, please visit
Attend and Receive
Walk away with hundreds of dollars of software, services and special offers. Receive either Microsoft Streets & Trips or Wireless Mouse, LearnIT training vouchers worth $300, plus many more offers.
For More Information
Contact Suzanne Lavine at suzl@microsoft.com

Official Website: http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaID=157028

Added by JKAR on April 25, 2008

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