6650 N Andrews Ave
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309

During this event, we’ll review what’s new in the Microsoft Web Platform and Developer tools, the interoperability improvements in the Microsoft Web platform and the value that Applied Innovations can add to your project/business.

Through a series of demonstrations and discussions you'll learn how to leverage:

* The Microsoft Web Platform: The IIS Management Console, HyperV and the Dynamic Data Center, SQL Server 2008 Web Edition and IIS Media Services 3.0.
* Microsoft Interoperability: PHP on Windows, WebPI, PHP Drivers in MS SQL Server 2008.
* Microsoft Web Tools: Visual Studio, Expression, Silverlight.
* Applied Innovations suite of services and cloud computing.
* The New WebsiteSpark Program for Web Developers and Designers
* The Great PHP on Windows Contest and how you can win great prizes.
* The Microsoft Partner Evangelism Initiative

All attendees will receive vouchers for 2 months of free Managed Windows VPS Hosting where they'll be able to apply everything they learned at the Elite Web Optimization event! ($198 value)

Tickets are limited - Get your Free tickets http://microsoftandappliedi.eventbrite.com/

Official Website: http://microsoftandappliedi.eventbrite.com/

Added by scubamiamijared on November 30, 2009

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