After Tim O’Reilly’s article “What is Web 2.0” in 2005, there has been considerable buzz around Web 2.0 technologies and the companies that use them. From the open platform Facebook to the rich user interfaces of web mail clients like Microsoft Exchange, the architecture of web applications is changing rapidly. While other companies have begun to see potential business value in Web 2.0 technologies, there is still uncertainty on how to integrate those technologies into corporate activities. How can you balance corporate security needs without negating the architecture of participation that is important in Web 2.0 applications? Where is the line between internal and external applications? What can we learn from the most successful public Web services and does it apply to our internal SOA? Our guest speaker will be Jon Rauschenberger, CTO for Clarity Consulting. Together with the Central Region Architect Evangelists, we’ll discuss lessons learned and best practices around collaboration, rich user experiences, and data syndication from existing Web 2.0 application architectures. We’ll also provide guidance how current Microsoft platform technologies like AJAX for ASP.NET, SharePoint Server 2007, and WCF can be used to turn those lessons into a practical corporate Web 2.0 architecture. Finally we’ll take a look at the next generation of Microsoft technologies like Silverlight and Visual Studio 2008 and discuss how architects can design and deploy applications beyond the current Web 2.0 experience.
Session 1: “What is Web 2.0: Beyond the buzzword”
Session 2: “Architecting Web 2.0 Applications on the Microsoft Platform”
Jon Rauschenberger is the Chief Technical Officer for Clarity Consulting, a software development consulting firm based in Chicago, Illinois. In addition to his role as CTO, Jon also provides executive oversight on multiple client engagements and plays a key role in the design and implementation of large-scale systems. He regularly presents at national technical conferences such as MEDC, TechED and VSLive! and is a frequent author of technical articles for publications such as Microsoft Developer Network, Visual Studio Magazine and .NET magazine. Jon also served as the Microsoft Regional Director (RD) for the Midwest region for 5 years and is currently a member of the RD Ambassador program.
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