Come to the Micro Pitch Roundtable and try out your 20 second micro pitch on a panel of investors. The idea is to create a short, clear and compelling 20 second summary of what you are doing. With a micro pitch, you have something to use when you bump into an investor at an event, when you are leaving a voicemail or sending an email. We're looking for your "wow statement," the essence of your value proposition.
If you are an entrepreneur in a startup that is currently seeking capital and would like to present your best micro pitch to a panel of early stage investor you must first send a "Request to Present" email in advance before you register to receive confirmation from the program manager that space is available; the absolute maximum number of presenters is 22, no exceptions. Entrepreneurs not yet ready to present a micro pitch are encouraged to register and attend. By listening to the pitches and engaging in the Q&A roundtable discussion you will learn key points and valuable insights to planning a business venture that is attractive to investors, as well as how to develop an effective pitch.
The panel will consist of experienced, savvy and open venture investors who are eager to answer your questions and hopeful of meeting the next great entrepreneur. The panel features partners of venture funds that are smaller or newer. These investors may be a better fit for your startup than the standard big-brand Sand Hill Road fund.
As an added bonus: The panelists have committed to providing feedback within one week of the event on any questions you send them.
Moderator: Bill Reichert, Managing Director, Garage Technology Ventures
Bob Rees, Start up Capital Ventures
Dr. Ronald Weissman, Apax Partners and Band of Angels
John Hall, Horizon Ventures
Doors open: 6 PM
Program: 6:30-8:30 PM
Hors d'oeuvres & soda included
$45 VC Taskforce members; $55 Affiliates; $75 General
(+ $10 at-door registration fee)
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on June 18, 2011