Ticket Prices:(Everyone must have a ticket & there are NO REFUNDS)
Advance Price- $14 a person (includes $2 Handling Fee)
Regular Ticket Price- $15 a person
Unlike the previous three albums by alt-country five-piece band Micky and the Motorcars, the group — this go-around — had plenty of time to prepare for NAIVE. During recording sessions on the past discs, says front man-lead vocalist Micky Braun, “if a good gig came up, we had to leave the studio.”
From the centre of Canada, deep in the prairies, comes an unstoppable force that is becoming a household name across the globe: Romi Mayes. Suitably pronounced "Raw Me", Mayes is a straight shooter with heart on your sleeve lyrics, edgy innuendo, and some serious bad ass guitar playing. She writes about sex, drugs, love, and the road. She can be soft and sweet or just down right dirty.
The Mark Monaco Band is pure Texas-style country-rock (or "Cowboy Rock" as they call it) that gets you movin' and makes you think!
Official Website: http://www.luckenbachtexas.com/icws233w4/eventdetaildisplay.cfm?eventID=3171
Added by Luckenbach Texas on March 2, 2010