Whether you're a neophyte writer, a pro, or just beginning to think about pursuing writing, you can get professional input from former Hollywood literary agent, Michele Wallerstein, author of "Mind Your Business: A Hollywood Literary Agent's Guide To Your Writing Career."
Besides working with many of Hollywood's top writers, directors, and producers, Michele has a reputation for cultivating new talent and is a sought-after speaker at many educational forums. Now a screenplay, novel, and career consultant, Michele brings her expertise to Borders for a 4-part series to help you get your script written, represented, and sold!
Join us on January 22nd, for the 2nd session of this series, focused on getting and keeping an agent. Attendance at prior session(s) is not required. Come meet Michele and propel your writing career to the next level. See below for dates and a list of upcoming topics.
Nov 20th: Introduction - Getting Started
Jan 22: How To Get and Keep An Agent
Feb 19: Choosing the Right Screenplay To Write
Mar 19: The Tools For Success As A Hollywood Writer
~~~ What People Are Saying ~~~
"I've worked with Michele Wallerstein for more than 20 years,
and you won't find anyone better at coaching you on your
manuscript. Her extensive experience representing novelists
and screenwriters, her brilliant sense of story,and her honesty,
toughness, humor, compassion and industry connections will all
propel you toward a better novel or screenplay, and an ultimate
--Michael Hauge, author of "Writing Screenplays That
Sell, Selling Your Story in 60 Seconds: The
Guaranteed Way to Get Your Screenplay or Novel
"There are few savvier than Michele Wallerstein when it comes
to knowing what works with novels, movies and TV.
She has the kind of knowledge that only comes with real
experience and working in the trenches with writers and
--Steve Fisher, Literary Agent, Agency for the Performing
"Feedback is easy to get-- almost too easy. But quality
feedback--the feedback you must get as a writer-- is hard to
find. I guarantee you will receive quality feedback from
Michele. She only wants the best for you and your writing
career. She can help you find your way, if you let her. That is a
rare gift these days."
--Adrea Peters, Writer
“I have to tell you, out of all the great experiences I had at the
film festival, talking with you was the most memorable. I really
appreciated your generosity and candor. It truly was a
pleasure to meet you.”
-- Linda Fisher
First Place (!) Screenplay Winner
Big Bear Int’l. Film Festival
September, 2009
"Michele Wallerstein knows all there is to know about the
relationship between agents and writers, and what writers
need to flourish as artists and professionals. She illuminates
these mysteries with the same clarity and insight she brings to
analyzing a script. If you have the talent to write professionally,
Michele's ability to demystify the process can only speed your
-- Diane McGee, Head of Literary, Bicoastal Talent & Literary
Official Website: http://www.novelconsultant.com/
Added by Borders Sherman Oaks on December 3, 2010
Hi Everyone:
Please note that I am now working as a writer's consultant for screenplays and novels. Let me know if I can help you by sending me an email with questions etc., at: novelconsult@yahoo.com
See you soon!
Michele Wallerstein