1414 16th Street
Sacramento, California 95814

This is a very unique idea. Bring fiction writers and lit fans together for a reading to celebrate their new works, and top it off with some songs that tell stories. Old pal Tim Foley is putting this together, to launch another release of "The Farallon Review." For the last three years he and some San Francisco folks have put out a literary magazine/journal featuring short stories. They have a small print run, and create a few readings in San Francisco and up in Sacramento, maybe in Niles too, stay tuned. The third issue is now back from the printer and so here come the launch parties! There may be an afterglow jam after the set, who knows!
Might want to RSVP with Tim, and also feel free to visit the venue and Farrallon Review websites too!
Tim's Email: tfoley9@earthlink.net
Luna's site: http://lunascafe.com

Added by sbxyz on October 26, 2010

Interested 2