Costume Contest: 1st place in Mens & Womens gets one night stay at Sirata Beach Resort Gulf Front Rooms.
Raffle: $500.00 gift certificate to Street Fit 360
Carne 1:30-4pm: $3 Yuengling Light Bottles $2 Finlandia Vodka Martinis $3 Brady Bunch Punch Shots $3 Miami Vice Shots
Bernini’s 4-5pm: $2 Yuengling Light Bottles $2 Finlandia Vodka Martinis $3 80’s Themed Shot (to be named later)
Green Iguana 5-6pm: $2 Domestic Drafts $2 Sailor Jerry Rum $2 El Jimador Margaritas $2 Phil Collins Shots
Bad Monkey 6-7pm: $2-$3 Select Bottled Beers $3 Brass Monkey Shots
James Joyce 7-8pm: $2 Miller Lite Bottles $3 Coors Light $3 Bud Light $3 Killian’s Stout Draft $3 Narragansett Beer Draft $2 Washington Apple Shots $2 Red Headed Slut Shots $5 Irish Car Bombs
Gaspar Grotto’s 8-9pm: $2 PBR Cans $3 Bud Light or Miller Lite Drafts $3 B-52 Shot $3 Red & White House Wine
Carmine’s Patio 9-10pm: $1 Domestic Drafts $6 Domestic Pitcher $3 South Beach Shots $3 Cuban Sandwich Sliders
Official Website:
Added by GetPromotd Services on September 12, 2012