MFA Lecture Series: Matthew Coolidge from Center for Land Use Interpretation
starting February 18, 2008 Starts: 7:30pm
The Center for Land Use Interpretation (CLUI), a research organization exploring landscape issues, engages in projects such as Event Marker, a series of signs similar to roadside historical markers that are erected to commemorate significant but obscure land-use phenomena like bomb test sites and film locations. CLUI also executes exhibitions such as The Best Dead Mall in America and A View into the Pipe (an excavation exposing Los Angeles' main sewer pipe, offering a rare glimpse of the inner workings of the metropolis). Neither an environmental group nor an art collective, CLUI resists categorization by maintaining a diverse, eclectic program of activities that invite a closer examination of "humankind's interaction with the Earth's surface." CLUI is the lead agency for the establishment of the American Land Museum, a network of exhibition sites in various interpretive zones across the country, which together form a dynamic portrait of the national landscape.
Free admission. 5th Avenue Cinema, 510 SW Hall Street.
Official Website:
Added by multimodal on January 27, 2008