Hosted by: American Enterprise Institute
For decades, the United States has pressed Mexico to do its share in the war on drugs. But when America's southern neighbor steps up to the challenge and confronts the vicious cartels, many U.S. commentators recoil at the violence, disparage Mexico, and talk about sealing the border with our second-largest trade partner. How best can the United States pull its weight and help Mexican leaders and courageous law enforcement confront a menace to society and to a shared future? Does Mexico have a strategy worth backing? Are the United States and Mexico prepared to do more to help weaker Central American neighbors deal with gangsters evading Mexico's anticartel campaign? Please join us as policy experts with intimate knowledge of these issues analyze the drug threat and propose constructive recommendations for battling a common foe. AEI's Roger F. Noriega will moderate.
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Added by insideronline on March 31, 2009