Leuven, Vlaams Brabant

Metadata 2.0
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[edit] Background

Current metadata standards (DC, LOM, MPEG, ...) are all based on early work inn the mid 1990's.

In the mean time, technology has advanced and some or many of the assumptions that held 17 years ago may no longer be so relevant...

That doesn't detract from the huge success that these standards have realised: there are probably many millions of DC, LOM or MPEG instances. Yet, there is probably orders of magnitude more metadata that does not conform to these standards. And, the interoperability between the DC, LOM and MPEG world remains quite complex. Consequently, their application domains remain too disconnected.

In this workshop, we will reconsider how metadata could be generated, managed and put to use. We believe that the current standards and technologies will remain dominant for at least 3 to 5 years. The workshop will consider a longer-term perspective, and consider approaches, paradigmas, techniques and technologies that could enable a more unified, flexible, modular and versatile metadata world in 2010 and beyond.
[edit] Draft Agenda

Date: 7 February 2008

* 09h30: Introduction, background and goal (Erik Duval)
* 10h00: Stu Weibel (by video conference)
* 11h00: Herbert Van de Sompel
* 12h00: Martin Wolpers
* 13h00: lunch
* 13h30: Tom Boyle
* 14h30: Martin Memmel: ALOE - Combining User Generated Content and Formal Metadata
* 15h30: Dan Rehak (by video conference)
* 16h30: wrapping up (Erik Duval)

* Wayne Hodgins (to be confirmed)
* Phil Barker (to be confirmed)
* Amine Chatti (to be confirmed)

[edit] Logistics

The meeting will take place at the department of computer science of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. Leuven is a 20 min taxi ride from Brussels airport - it takes about as long to get to the center of Brussels :-) There is more information about “how to get there”.

In order to deal with the logistics involved, we kindly ask you to send an email to erik duval if you plan to participate. We will provide sandwich lunch and coffee and would appreciate your financial support in the form of 25 euros or US dollars per person, to be paid in cash at the event. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding this meeting!

We are exploring options to enable remote participation, probably over flashmeeting. Let us know if you would be interested in attending remotely.

A list of hotels is available. The venue is a 30 minute walk, or a 5 min taxi ride from Leuven city centre.

Official Website: http://ariadne.cs.kuleuven.be/mediawiki2/index.php?title=Metadata_2.0

Added by walterra on January 31, 2008