6531 Effingham Way
Columbus, Georgia 31909

We are a Messianic Jewish fellowship who welcomes both Jews and non-Jews to join us and worship as first century Believers did, in spirit and in truth. We meet each Friday at 7:30 p.m. at Effingham Way Suites, just off Weems Road in Columbus, Ga.

You can obtain more information about directions to services, as well as about our fellowship and our special Fifth Friday Oneg, at our website - www.orgsites.com/ga/kehilatemet.

We'd love to you have join us for services, as well as stay for our special Fifth Friday covered dish Oneg (confections and conversation) afterwards. We look forward to seeing you there!

Shalom B'Yeshua - Peace in Yeshua (Jesus)

Official Website: http://www.orgsites.com/ga/kehilatemet

Added by barbpsy03 on June 4, 2009



Greetings brothers and sisters,from the l-rds servant,Faith must produce works,it must be visible works,mental faith is insufficiant,verbal faith is not enough,faith has to be in our hearts and minds,but faith must take action,faith inspires action,allways thru truth.We will not be tryed for our sins or blaspheme,s.We will be tried for the works that we do whilst we are upon the earth.Luke 3;11=He answereth and saith unto them,He that hath two coats;let him impart to him that hath none;and he that hath meat do like wise.This scripture tells us several ways to show our faith,to work our faith,to obey yeshoua,s word,to feed and cloth his people that are in need.If we can but just do this and teach this,we will be bearing good fruit,as vessls of the gospel,[which means glad tidings].Faith also endures trials,Strong faith will face any trial that comes at it head on,it develops life changing endurance,with patience.Faith understands temptations,the holy spirit within will not volentarilly let us slide into sin,by faith we are infilled with the Holy Spirit.Yeshoua in john16;13=says,Howbeit when he,the spirit of truth,is come,he will guide you to all truth;for he shall not speak of himself;but whatsoever he shall hear;that shall he speak;and he will shew you things to come.Yeshoua sends us the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth,let us allow the holy spirit to do his job.The exact moment we start to commit a sin the holy spirit is in our hearts and minds saying thru the unction of the spirit,you know better dont do this.You know the sensation, For you have had this little seemingly silent voice speak to you many times as well as I have.This is one way the holy spirit teachs us the truth.He the holy spirit guides us to all truth,when we listen to him.It is as he is saying this is law you should not break this,the law is our schoolmaster,the holy spirit enforces the law.He is the live ambient part of the law indwelling within us.Yeshoua did not come to abolish the law he come to fullfill the law it is written.When we walk in the spirit we are not bound by the law for the holy spirit within us is enforceing the law in us.IN this I know we are not perfect but we must strive to be,it is written.Yeshoua sent the Holy Spirit to GUIDE US INTO ALL TRUTH.IF WE WALK IN THE SPIRIT WE ARE NOT BOUND BY THE LAW,rom;8-1,2.It is fullfilled in us,by the Holy Spirit.The moment we step back into sin the old schoolmaster the law thru the holy spirits unction starts to convict our hearts again,to repent and ask the l-rds forgiveness.It is my solem prayer that this prayed over message helps to bridge the gap some between the Messianic Jewish beliefs and the Christian Beliefs.I am one of the Anointed called and choosen of my Father The All Mighty L-rd G-d In Living Spirit,Thru My Brother Yeshoua Reborn Of Flesh The Son Of G-d.I am called a servant of G-d And To Teach thru our friend Yeshoua.I humbly serve those that serve G-d,freely recieved freely given.Rev.Andrew Manuel Stubbs The L-rds Chapel Rose Lane,marion county Ga.Let us embrace thru the love of g-d,put aside any contentions or strivings an be about our fathers buissness it is what we are called to do.we all call upon abba father for the same reason,Eternal Salvation and He our L-rd G-d is the only one that can say yea or nay,to anyones salvation,We the people dont have that power,and I for one am glad mankind dont have that power.When you look at this the simple way we wonder what all the contention with denomination is about.We all love The L-rd G-d,it is written that we should love our neighbor as we love our self.That we love our self enough to believe upon the name of the l-rd,then we should love our neighbor enough to teach them about the L-rd.It is this simple to be a good fruit tree bearing good fruit.I love you all may Yeshoua give you all shalom.

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