Not sure where to find that advisor you’ve been seeking? Mentor Speed Dating may be just the event you’re looking for. If you are a startup-phase company with a problem you need help solving, clear up some space on your calendar for two hours on the morning of Wednesday, February 10th. Bootup is looking to help connect thirty local companies with interested mentors.
The format for the event will follow the speed dating model — after giving a brief introduction to the attendees, each mentor will hear from the companies.
The goal of Mentor Speed Dating is to set follow-up ‘dates’ between mentors and companies.
Companies should expect to come to Mentor Speed Dating prepared with a one-minute summary of the company, founders, and product. Additionally, companies should have a good grasp of the areas where the mentors can help them — legal, fundraising, technology, business development, sales, accounting, etc.; advice particular to a specific problem. Or two!
Mentors at the event will have a two-minute bio prepared which highlights what companies can expect from their expertise, and be ready to keep track of the companies they meet for follow up after the event.
Here’s how you can get involved: visit and fill out a brief profile, and then show up the morning of February 10th.
Official Website:
Added by bootup on January 19, 2010