Co-Sponsored by the Government Contracting Small Business Development Center, This Seminar is intended to familiarize small and large business with the benefits and opportunities provided in the federal Mentor-Protege Program.
The Mentor-Protege Program is designed to encourage approved Mentors to provide various forms of assistance to eligible protege Participants. The purpose of the mentor-protege relationship is to enhance the capabilities of the Proteges; and to improve their ability to successfully compete for federal contracts. Benefits in the Mentor Protege Programs are numerous and program specific, but some immediate benefits are:
Technical and management assistance: The mentors expertise, resources, and capabilities are made available to the protg.
Prime contracting: Mentors can enter into joint-venture arrangements with protgs to compete for government contracts.
Financial assistance in the form of equity or loans: Mentors can own equity interest in a protg firm to help it raise capital.
Qualification for other SBA programs: A protg can obtain other forms of SBA assistance as the result of its good standing in the Mentor-Protg program.
Organized by ATAPro inc.For additional information or to schedule a seminar in your area, select contact organizer below.
http://www.atapro.netor our partner
ATAPro is a consulting firm involved in providing training andcoaching services for small business firms wishing to establish, expand or improve their business presence in the federal contracting realm.
Ticket Info: Online Registration, $25.00
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