1151 Massachusetts Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts

This group is for movers, dancers, and martial artists who want to
explore the use of power and flexibility from an "inside out"
orientation. The work is around the release of muscular tension and
‘over’ reaction to cultivate more power and grace. The form combines
the practices of Feldenkrais Movement, Aikido and Contact
Improvisation. The dynamics include resisting/releasing,
centering/falling, leading/following, pushing/pulling, stillness/flow.
The classes begins with Feldenkrais exercises. From skeletal
movements, breath and partner work—movement progresses to partner work
using weight, power and direction. The ongoing focus will be on the
contact point, skeletal movement and energy transfer.

Mike has a Black Belt in Aikido, having studied 15 years with
Kanai Sensei. He has a Masters degree in Movement
Therapy. He has studied, taught and performed Contact
Improvisation for 25 years. His studies with Feldenkrais movement include classes with
Ruth Alon, Anat Baniel, Olivia Cheever and Bill Hutchinson. Additional
movement form influences include Capoeira, Tai Chi and Shintaido.

To register, contact Michael Klinger at mklinger@venturipartners.com or
call in the evenings at #978 263-0275. The cost is $40 if paid by 9/10 or
$14 for each class. Make check payable to Michael Klinger.

More information available at: http://boston.zebratickets.com/event/event_3569.php

Official Website: http://boston.zebratickets.com/event/event_3569.php

Added by zebratickets on October 16, 2006