45080 Main St
Mendocino, California 95460

To prove how versatile a ukulele is as a musical instrument, Mendocino Stories and Music Series has scheduled two acts at the Mendocino Hotel on Friday, November 9. Sarah Wagner will open the show with self-accompanied vocals. Then The Ukeholics from Anderson Valley will then bring their vaudeville-style antics to the stage. The entertainment will start at 7:30PM.

The Ukeholics, Doug Read, Denver Tuttle, Henry Hill and Dennis Hudson, have been playing together since 2002.  They are all ukulele players with various theatrical backgrounds and play a wide variety of music.  Incorporating their four voices to present familiar and oddball songs, this is “not just another boy band”. Be prepared for some hilarity.

After a 1-hour lesson with a native Hawaiian, Sarah Wagner fell in love with the sweet sound of a ukulele.  She enjoys playing covers of every genre of music and has begun to write her own.  Sarah, a veteran of operas and musical theatre
is a physical therapist and the manager of the Rehabilitation Services Dept. at Coast Hospital.

Doors open at 6:30 PM for bistro menu and drinks. Advance reserved table seating at $15, $15 - $12 at the door. For more information call Pattie at 707-937-1732 or www.mendocinostories.com/events.html

Added by Mendocino Stories and Music Seri on November 5, 2012