15051 Caspar Rd
Caspar, California 95420

An all-day Ukulele Festival is planned for Saturday, April 14, when Mendocino Stories and Music Series joins The Caspar Community to celebrate the ukulele as a friendly and playful instrument. This is an “All Ages, All levels of expertise and interest” event. The day’s activities start at 10AM and will finish by 10PM.

Uke workshops will begin at 10AM, with instructors for beginners and intermediate players. After a break for lunch, jam sessions will start out in small break-out groups and then a jam for all led by The Ukeholics. The film “The Jumping Flea” by local filmmaker Paul Krauss will be shown before the dinner break.

Evening performances will include The Ukeholics, Paul Krauss and Victoria Bard, O’ahu native Keo Skudlarick, and local favorites Hui Arago accompanied by Lei Palaoa hula on several songs.

Ongoing throughout the afternoon a crafts fair will be held featuring local ‘ukulele luthiers Paul Krauss and Dave Sigman, ‘Uke Art by Pete Gealey and ‘Ukulele Fever t-shirts designed by James Maxwell. All food and bar sales directly benefit Caspar Community Center.

Ticket prices are $30 All event pass, $20 Instruction and jamming, $15 Film and Performances. Tickets will be on sale at The Attic of Mendocino on Ukiah St, and at Harvest Market and Tangents in Fort Bragg. Orders can be taken by phone at 707 937-1732 or online at http://www.mendocinostories.com/TicketSales.html. Credit Card or PayPal orders online and by phone only.

Added by Mendocino Stories and Music Seri on February 24, 2012