45080 Main St
Mendocino, California 95460

Come on out to the Mendocino Hotel for an exciting evening of a cappella music on Saturday, October 27. The Mendocino Stories and Music Series will present two favorite local singing groups – The Acafellas men’s sextet and River, a women’s trio.

A cappella music is all vocals with no instrumental accompaniment. With music from Mozart to the Beatles and Broadway to the Balkans, River will open the show. Members of River are Cynthia Frank, Sari Scanlon and Carolyn Carleton. The Acafellas - Jim Ehlers, Eric Hillesland, Jim Jackson, Jason Kirkman, Joe Rosenthal (director), and Sam Waldman – bring their brand of hot gospel, cool jazz, classic rock, doo-wop and R&B to the evening.

All Ages Welcome. Bistro menu and drinks are available as soon as the doors open at 6:30PM. Sliding scale at the door $15 - $12. For more info call Pattie at 707-937-1732 or www.mendocinostories.com/events.html

Added by Mendocino Stories and Music Seri on September 30, 2012