Hi Guys!
The ladies love a man with a shaved head. Got one? Have we got an event for you (with more women than men signed up as of right now!!!)
WHEN: Tuesday, October 16
WHO: Men with shaved heads and women who love them
WHERE: Etiquette Lounge
1108 Market Street (@7th St), San Francisco
TIME: Check-in at 7:00, HurryDating begins at 7:30
HOW MUCH: Members: $27.75; Non-Members: $37.00
What else? A gift bag for both men and women from HeadBlade
- the ultimate head shaving razor, head care products and other grooming supplies. A $30 value
Shaved heads and Ladies who love them RSVP HERE:
Hope to see you there!
Cost: 37
Official Website: http://www.hurrydate.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=frontEvents.moreUserInfo&id=6709
Added by Linda - Hurrydate on October 5, 2007