Online, Pennsylvania

New! Member Benefit Spotlight! The Pre-paid Legal Services Plan Presented by Watson & West, PLLC.This webinar is designed to introduce you to a new employee benefit available to your staff.It is the Pre-paid Legal Assistance for Nonprofits (PLAN) where high-quality personal legal advice and representation is available to your employees for a low monthly fee of $19.99.Under the PLAN, eligible PLAN members may receive legal assistance in the handling of their personal affairs.
For that low fee, your employees will receive :

Unlimited* telephone communication with PLAN attorneys

Medicaid/Nursing Home Planning; Paternity; Child Support; Visitation; Grandparent visitation; PINS;

Advice regarding Childrens Torts; Reverse Mortgages;

Advice on Education issues

Traffic violations

Neighbor disputes

Identity theft

Civil commitment


Tenants Rights

Small Claims Court.

Date:Tuesday, June 16th,2009
Time: 10:00am to 11:30am
Cost: FREE!
Location: This is a Webinar

Organized by Council of Community Services of NYS
Founded in 1927, CCSNYS is a 501(C)(3) membership-based, mission-driven, statewide association of diverse charitable nonprofit organizations. With over 1,300 members, we work to build the capacity of nonprofits and communities to enhance the quality of life through responsive, cost-effective service. Our mission-based activities are enhanced by two subsidiary corporations: Innovative Charitable Initiatives, Inc., and Council Services Plus.

Ticket Info:  Registration, Free

Official Website: http://wwplan616-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 19, 2009

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