well it was goin great everyone in the crowd had a camera or video recorder so we got ours out big mistake one of the banda crew members saw us and had us kicked out of the vip section not sure but i heard dave mustane was wanting the camera that we had they said he was pissed so my buddy (hes a badass)started to take the camera out of the club security was looking for us he got caught they took the camera and proceeded to escort him outside when they got outside two of thwm got there asses handed to them and my camera was retreived so f off guys i got my footagebutanyway im an old metal head grew up on megadeth pretty much my fav band dave didnt even look up at us in the vip section even tho he was 10 ft away from us after the concert was over you could meet dave if you bought one of his cds for 25$ so we bought 150$ worth of stuff and we couldnt even meet him by the time we got up there they said he was done wtf man that was the first time i have ever seen megadeth live gotta tell ya i was very dissappointed and where were the real fans all i seen there was little kids most of them dont even know who megadeth is i thought he might try to meet some of his older die hard fans but i guess not oh well it was an expieriance that will last a lifetime!!!!
well it was goin great everyone in the crowd had a camera or video recorder so we got ours out big mistake one of the banda crew members saw us and had us kicked out of the vip section not sure but i heard dave mustane was wanting the camera that we had they said he was pissed so my buddy (hes a badass)started to take the camera out of the club security was looking for us he got caught they took the camera and proceeded to escort him outside when they got outside two of thwm got there asses handed to them and my camera was retreived so f off guys i got my footagebutanyway im an old metal head grew up on megadeth pretty much my fav band dave didnt even look up at us in the vip section even tho he was 10 ft away from us after the concert was over you could meet dave if you bought one of his cds for 25$ so we bought 150$ worth of stuff and we couldnt even meet him by the time we got up there they said he was done wtf man that was the first time i have ever seen megadeth live gotta tell ya i was very dissappointed and where were the real fans all i seen there was little kids most of them dont even know who megadeth is i thought he might try to meet some of his older die hard fans but i guess not oh well it was an expieriance that will last a lifetime!!!!