1265 Military Trail
Scarborough, Ontario

DAY: Sunday - July 23, 2006 (12pm-6pm)
PLACE: University of Toronto @ Scarborough - Parking Lot #5 (300+ parking spaces)
ADDRESS: 1265 Military Trail (401 > South Morningside > East Military Trail > on left side)
EVENT: Car meet, Giveaways, Vendors, Food, etc…
ADMISSION: Free (by RSVP), $2 at the gates

Mega Meet 2006 is a friendly car meet that will be held at University of Toronto @ Scarborough - Outer Parking Lot #5 on Sunday 23rd, 2006 rain or shine. RSVP your spot and come out for the day with your vehicle to attend one of the biggest car meets of 2006! All modified vehicles are invited. Admission is free if you RSVP!

For Individuals:
If you would like to attend the event, RVSP your name and vehicle by July 18th to [Email]carmeet2006@hotmail.com.[/Email] ($2 at the gates if you do not RSVP)

For Car Clubs:
Reserve club space by July 18th to carmeet2006@hotmail.com include all names and vehicles. (Minimal of 10 members allowed to reserve club space).

During the car meet car clubs or individuals who RSVP can enter to participate in the following categories:

1. Exhaust sound off competition
2. Stereo sound off competition
3. Best showing of club support
4. Peer voting
5. More to follow…

Some conditions due apply:
1. Categories are subject to change
2. All vehicles entered must be visually customized
3. Each event will be judged by a panel of selected judges

In addition, UNICEF will be on hand to accept donation in helps to raise money for children in over 157 countries who require immunization, education or protection. UNICEF works to ensure the well-being of all children all over the world and showing your support goes along way in making life a child’s life worth living.

Questions: carmeet2006@hotmail.com

Sponsors & Vendor Displays:
- Teknotik – www.teknotik.com
- TRD Canada – www.toyota-trd.com
- UNICEF - www.unicef.ca
- University of Toronto


Official Website: http://www.carmeet.tk

Added by carmeet2006 on July 10, 2006

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