2101 22nd Ave S
Seattle, Washington 98144

The title says it all. Optional - but highly recommended - swing by vito90's workplace. Wherever that is!

The location is tentative. Imperial Lanes was suggested first. Sunset Bowl? Some bar?

This plan is not carved in stone, but it's coming up fast, so here's your go-to spot for the 411.

Added by caitlinb on May 2, 2005



Sunset Bowl is too crowded. Imperial Lanes.


I also vote for Imperial Lanes. I can give a ride to up to 2 people from Greenlake/Ravenna/UDistrict area.


I can give rides to three people between Everett and wherever we end up meeting.


I really want to come if I can get a ride from Olympia.


I'll be there and can provide transportation from the east side.


I should be there.


I just reserved 3 lanes (for an estimate of 15 people attending) for Sunday at 7. They are under my last name... which is Metafilter.