TitleMarch Meetup Mashup, Thurs, March 19th, 7-9PM (Pre-Pay $7/@Door $10)When
Thursday, March 19, 2009 7:00 PM - 9:00 PMChelsea Studios, 151 W. 26th St. 5th flr
Hi Everyone,Last month was a terrific Meetup Mashup, many thanks to our wonderful February speakers: Samantha Keen, Matteus Levell, Chris Trahan & Jacqueline Leavitt.Spring is almost here officially. The sun is rising earlier, & it brings its warmth to nourish our hopes & dreams, our desires for new beginnings. This community here, like the sun offers it's warmth to support, share knowledge & help you nourish your dreams, aspirations & desires. We hope you join us for March & let us bask in your wondrous presence.To hopefully reduce the number of emails, I've decided to build a separate Newsletter, Google Calendar for related events not sponsored by Alt Health, Meetup Mashup or myself. I'm also, working on a directory to list past speakers & other practitioners.[divider]Pre-payment due to some system quirks, will be thru EventBrite. As usual, we'll be joined by several other Meetup groups. It should be fun, & interesting. The fee at the door is $10 to help pay the room rental. We continue to explore ways to make this a better opportunity to meet, share, network, learn & grow.Speakers:1) Marcelo Sturgeon - Reiki2) Samantha Keen & Matteus Levell of Vital Switch - Stress Relief & Vitality Management3) Laura Hames - BodyTalk
1) Marcelo Sturgeon - ReikiExplore the functionality of different techniques to heal the body & mind using the natural healing abilities of our bodies. Learn how the simplicity of Reiki & ancient energy healing methods can help us achieve a continuous connection w/ the spiritual world, & how this connection works allowing a better grounding for walking through life, keeping ourselves balanced & developing self-knowledge.The talk will review the rebirthing of spirituality in the 21st century & the need of cultures to be mutually helping each other toward a better understanding & respect for the sacred paths to personal improvement, medicine & our interrelation with Nature. Discovering the importance of learning to adjust to the changes of new times & driving through fear & confusion during this process.Marcelo
2) Al Pittampalli - Conquer Your Emotional Eating!If youre looking for more tips on exercise & nutrition you wont find them here. This presentation focuses on the real reason why almost all diets failemotional eating. So if youre looking for a uniquely fresh approach to permanent weight loss that will help you finally enjoy the body you deserve, then pleaseread on.Most people are obsessed w/ traditional dieting & exercising. When they fail, their answer is to try harder next time or find a better diet or exercise regime. Are you guilty of this? Sadly, you can do all the calorie counting & cardiovascular activity you want (& my guess is you probably have), but if you dont get to the real reason you overeat, you will be sorely disappointed time & time again. In this presentation, emotional eating expert, Al Pittampalli will share w/ you a breakthrough 3-step method for conquering your emotional eating & achieving the body of your dreams...for good. Al Pittampalli is a master practitioner of NLP. He has coached executives all across New York City, & has consulted w/ organizations such as Ernst & Young and Emblem Health. He is currently working alongside marketing expert, Seth Godin.
3) Laura Hames - BodyTalkLAURA HAMES is used to miracles. As a BodyTalk practitioner, the NYC resident says she has witnessed countless people heal themselves. And while she might not call it a miracle, she does consider the simple noninvasive energy technique & its results amazing. "I'm a practitioner," the longtime dancer said. "I'm not a healer. What I do is help that person's body to do its own healing. That's the paradigm shift: when people realize their own body is doing the work." Developed in the 90s by John Veltheim, an Australian chiropractor, acupuncturist & longtime martial-arts instructor, the therapy combines elements of Eastern & Western theories. Practitioners use a simple muscle-testing technique as a form of biofeedback to identify underlying issues. The goal is to stimulate the body's ability to communicate & heal itself. This will be an intro talk, demo & sample trial sessions will be offered. All the attendees will get a coupon for a discounted session w/ any one of the BodyTalk practitioners at the BodyTalk Space, which she runs at Union Square. For more info, please call Laura on 917,653.8916
Much Gratitude to all who attend and support this terrific community. I look forward to seeing you at the Mashup.Warm Regards,JoelJoel Elfman - Transformational TrainingBecome More Magnificent! Live Life At Your Best!(917)
-834-5554joel.elfman@gmail.comwww.joelelfman.comHypnosis NLP Coaching Training - Somatic Re-patterning (Reiki Energywork - Massage Bodywork)Personal Sessions Group Trainings Available________________________________________________________________________Join the Meetup Groups that I Organize or Assist:
http://www.joelelfman.com/meetup.html Explore, Learn, Share: NLP Hypnosis Mind Body Energy Spirit Alternative Health and more(Inquire about speaking opportunities at our monthly meetings)
Organized by joelelfmancomJoelElfman.com is committed to helping people improve their lifes and to become more mangnificent.
Ticket Info: - March Meetup Mashup, $7.00
- Newletter, Free
Official Website: http://joelelfmanmashupmarch19-upcoming.eventbrite.com