5941 Optical Court
San Jose, California 95138

Deadline Fri, Jan 7, Submissions accepted until Close of Business

Emerging companies find it increasingly difficult to reach the right person when seeking funding and/or partners. Through the "Meet with..." Series, we provide emerging companies with greater access to partnering and/or financing opportunities.

In this session, Licensing Directors from Bayer will talk to potential licensees to first explain what they are looking for in a company. After the presentation, attendees will have lunch with the Bayer team.

Submit your executive summary to Jovan@sjbiocenter.com in PDF or Word format to be considered for a 1-on-1 meeting with Bayer Executives.

Application Deadline January 7, 2011

Official Website: http://www.sjbiocenter.com/event/ev_2011Q1-MeetWithBayer.html

Added by FullCalendar on December 25, 2010

Interested 1