Meet with... Gilead
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
9:00AM-9:30AM Registration & Networking
9:30AM-10:30AM Presentation & Q&A
10:40AM-11:30AM BioCenter Tour
11:30AM-12:30PM Lunch & Networking
12:30PM-5:00PM One-on-one Meetings
Emerging companies find it increasingly difficult to reach the right person when seeking funding. It is equally difficult for funders to wade through countless proposals. The "Meet with" Series provides emerging life science companies with greater access to partnering and/or financing opportunities. The BioCenter Meet with Series has featured, Merck, Genentech, NCI, Takeda Research Investment, the Michael J. Fox Foundation, Physic Ventures, Amgen and now Gilead!
In this session, Directors from Gilead will talk to potential licensees to first explain what they are looking for in a company. After the presentation, attendees will have lunch with the Gilead team. Finally, each pre-approved attendee* will be granted a private meeting with Shehnaaz Suliman, M.D. - Senior Director of Corporate Development at Gilead Sciences - or Sean OConnell - the Senior Director of Business Development at Gilead Sciences.
*Registrations to one-on-one meetings are subject to approval of application. To apply, please send your Executive Summary by May 30, 2010 to The Review Board, composed of the BioCenter management team, sponsors, partners and mentors, will then meet to consider your application. You will be notified on June 4, 2010 if your application is accepted or rejected. Registration must be completed upon approval to secure your meeting slot.
One-on-one Meeting Application & Costs
- Application fee: FREE
- Meeting fee: Fees vary depending on affiliation and number of company representatives
- BioCenter Residents and Affiliates: Free
More info:
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on May 8, 2010