1900 Addison St. Suite 200
Berkeley, California 94704

Forget costly marketing and advertising - what your business needs is to use the power of the Press. A newspaper article or radio mention is a powerful endorsement and can go a long way to get you more clients, better credibility and even more press.

Meet our speakers:

Stephen Buel, editor-in-chief of East Bay Express

Janis Mara, business reporter at Oakland Tribune/Contra Costa Times

Moderated by Sasha Vasilyuk, publicist and freelance journalist

Meet journalists face to face and learn:

* What East Bay Express, Bay Area News Group look for
* How to pitch them
* How to build relationships with the press
* Do you really need a press release?
* Other PR tips

Light refreshments will be served

Official Website: http://getpresseb.eventbrite.com/

Added by emunahh on September 15, 2010

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