The Interior Design Program at Delta College is gathering industry professionals from various areas of the Interior Design field to share their insights and advice with students and the community.
On February 23rd, notables from the field of Interior Design will be converging on Stockton and the entire community is invited to participate. The program is hosting this event to expose its students to some amazing industry professionals and to the realities of the career. The hope is also to share this with the community and anyone interested in pursuing a career in Interior Design.
Meet these Industry Insiders:
KERRIE KELLY- designer, owner of Kerrie Kelly Design Lab, author, presenter.
ZACK ROSSON- Lighting designer and specialist
MARIKO PARRIS- LEED certified contract designer
KEVIN MANLEY- Restaurant and hospitality designer and sales
This event is free and open to the public. For maps and directions, visit The closest parking lot is S1. Parking is $1.
For more information on the event, visit:
Added by lasfour on February 10, 2011