Throughout the history of humanity, the majority of cultures in the world have at one point or another quantified and categorized these traits; so when I was researching for this book I quickly discovered that is a googolplex amount of information out there. But, there seems to be nothing or very little information about personality traits and relationships for the cultures that involve the Orishas. Therefore I was compelled to write this book and pass along this information before it disappears and/or is overlooked.
Therefore the focus of this book will be on attraction and the foundation for the interpersonal interactions between the Orisha energies and not on the professional theories or opinions based in psychology. There is a lot of information out there that suggests that relationships and attraction are governed by biology or behavior. Some would say that it is souly biologically driven factors that affect
attraction and the many other components of relationships. Others will say that attraction and
relationships are all based entirely on our experiences and our behavior. And then there are
those who will say it’s both. I on the other hand, I will take it a step further and suggest that it
might be based on biological factors, behavioral factors as well as spiritual factors.
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Added by Our Learning Circle on January 24, 2011