118 Municipal Ave (Corner of Rose Street)
Sopchoppy, Florida 32358

December 4th 5 to 10 PM

“Meet the Artists Night” at
The Frog and The Hummingbird Co & Butterfield’s
Roadhouse~ A Music & Art Forum bringing you a
Touch of the Tropics and an Eclectic Experience is
presenting an event with focus on the artisans and
crafters who exhibit and sell their work here at The Frog and The Hummingbird Co & Butterfield’s Roadhouse.

It is our hope that this event will become a regular series.
Yet Another Wonderful Holiday Shopping Opportunity on Friday December 4th 2009 from 5 to 10 PM.
Luminary Bags will be set outside that night at our music and art forum will be festively decorated for the holiday season. The Frog and The Hummingbird Co & Butterfield’s Roadhouse will be offering Complimentary Beverages & Hors d’oeuvres, Live Music, Additional Works Exhibited, Free Door Prizes, Various Discounts & Onsite Artists

Guitarist Rick Edmiston will be playing music during this affair.

Also Remember that Backwoods Bistro will be serving another one of their wonderful weekend dinner specials.

The Concept of “Meet the Artists Night”

1) Provides an opportunity for existing clients and potential customers to meet the artists putting a face to the works exhibited here and adding a personal touch.

2) Provides the artists with a hands-on opportunity to meet customers, and personally represent their works.

3) Enables the artists an opportunity to explain the work process and materials involved in the making of their art/craft, providing an educational experience and awareness and greater appreciation of the pieces exhibited and for sale.

4) Provides potential customers and visitor a unique shopping experience and an evening out

5) Enables artists and community members and travelers to meet each other and network.

• A complimentary beverage and Hors d’oeuvre table
•Live Ambient Music
•Additional works exhibited …
•Free Door Prizes donated by Artists and The Frog and The Hummingbird Co drawn throughout the event
•10% Discount

Gertrude Hendricks Palmer will be onsite painting, Elizabeth George will be photographing and Gina Lee will have samples of her gourmet sauces that are featured in the store. Additionally, Lori Volcano will have a new selection of her Sopchoppy River Art, George Weymouth will be present with his exquisite wildlife carvings and sculptures, Pricilla Travis will be representing her colorful Oil Paintings, Carol Earl with Tie dyes and Shell Art, Leslie Horton with her framed pressed flower arrangements, Mark Bowerman with his local photography, Tamara Byrnes with her elite line of jewelry and hand painted rainwater collectors, Patrick Connor with his turned and Hand carved woodwork, Kelli Boxberger with an exclusive line of her jewelry, Mike Kinsey
will also be present representing his Etched
glass, sandblasted and etched work on
recycled glass and also his Spider web
art that was featured in the Wakulla News and Rebecca Ferrell and Stephanie Hogg will be representing their Mosaic works…

Each artist will be providing a piece of their work and free drawing for these art prizes will be drawn throughout the night,

Again make a trip just a few doors down the street from us to Backwoods Bistro who will be serving one their incredible weekend dinner specials.

For more information please contact frogandhummingbirdco@yahoo.com


Please also remember that our wonderful
neighbors Backwoods Bistro will be
serving up one of their incredible
weekend dinner specials.
Backwoods Bistro

Weekend Dinner Special

Chef Jesse’s Jerk Chicken

With his Jalapeno Mint Sauce

Plated with Spiced Grilled Red Potato and Garden Salad

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?ref=profile&id=100000502058847

Added by butterfieldsociety on November 4, 2009

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