The Virginia Holocaust Museum will host a special opportunity to meet the artist, Alan Shulman, at 2pm in the Mel Weinstein Art Gallery on March 28th. His work The Portraits of Zinkov will be displayed beginning on April 1st until May 31st.
The exhibition focuses on a series of portraits created from the “Zinkover Memorial Book.” A memorial book is a collection of stories, anecdotes, photographs and any other preserved information related to the subject.
Memorial books, like the Zinkov one, were first created after World War II by Jewish societies in the U.S. and Israel, in order to remember the victims of the Nazis. The village of Zinkov, in particular, resonated with Mr. Shulman because it was home to many of his maternal ancestors.
Mr. Shulman, currently works as both an architect and an artist with the “Portraits of Zinkov,” being one his recent projects.
This event is free and open to the public.
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