Kumarakrupa Gardens
Bangalore, Karnataka

HRinIndia announces HR Conference at Bangalore IT.in on 30th October 2006 at Hotel Grand Ashok, Bangalore

Bangalore IT.in 2006 is an annual IT fair which is the 9th edition of the event. Each year the event is getting bigger and better with participation from national and international audience. This years theme is “Brand Bangalore as the Best”. We take great pride in unveiling, for the 9th year in succession, Bangalore IT.in Asia’s premier IT show. An ideal platform for productive interfaces between CEOs, CTOs, Presidents, HR Heads, Senior Managers, IT Professionals, Delegates and visitors from all over the world.

This ICMT event is designed to inspire, innovate and empower. An opportunity rich with possibilities for joint ventures, information exchanges, networking, fund sourcing, competition analysis and business exchanges.

With over 75,000 IT and related professionals logging in every year, many business transactions are conducted and closed. Be there for the enriching knowledge, conferences, trade shows and thrilling events. Arrive, connect, share, ideate and bond at Bangalore IT.in 2006.

HRinIndia has conducted a HR conference last year as part of the Bangalore IT.in which has attracted the largest number of participants for an event held last year. HR conference has attracted many delegates nationally and internationally. In view of the increased focus on the talent sourcing and retention, HR conference this year focuses on topics that are on top of all the HR practitioners.

A brief snap shot of the HR conference is given below :
Date : Monday 30th October 2006
Venue : Hotel Grand Ashok
Timings : 900 am to 530 pm
Topics & Program Schedule :
Panel A : What CEOs expect from HR ?
Panel B : HR role in Managing Change
Panel C : HR Challenges in M & A
Panel D : Software Product Companies - Talent Acquisition & Retention strategies that work !
Registration : Rs.3000 for Companies ; Rs. 2,000 for academia. Contact for bulk registrations.
This event is going to have best of the speakers. Register now to attend this conference for knowledge sharing and hearing to the best HR speakers. This is an excellent opportunity to network and catch up with the Heads / Sr Managers of HR.


About HRinIndia :
HRinIndia – www.hrinindia.org is Indias Biggest HR network with more than 11000 professional members spread across India. HRI is promoted by HRI Foundation which is a professional not for profit body representing the entire HR community. HRI is actively involved in various National and International Conferences since last 5 years and is instrumental in making these events a huge success.

For more details contact :
Founder HRinIndia
T 511 Purvapark
Cox Town
Bangalore 560006

Official Website: http://www.hrdgateway.org/hrinindia/event.html

Added by hrinindia on October 9, 2006

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