849 - 11th street
Santa Monica, California 90403

Meditations of Contemplation and Understanding
Right Understanding will immeasurably improve your life

“… To overcome anger and hatred, practice the contemplation of compassion. It illuminates the causes of anger and hatred within our own minds and in the minds of those who have precipitated it. To overcome craving, practice the contemplation on impermanence, illuminating the birth and death of all things. To overcome confusion and dispersion, practice the contemplation on the full awareness of breathing. If you regularly practice these … contemplations, you will attain liberation and enlightenment."
~ Gautama Buddha

A four (4) week course in ancient Buddhist mindfulness, as interpreted and adapted for today’s fast-paced scientific world by Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya. Experience ‘the Profound’ and ‘the Ultimate’—directly—through these unique and original one-hour guided journeys of contemplation and deep seeing. Ideally suited to the modern mind, and available exclusively at Premodaya.com.
One hour guided sitting meditation—just relax, listen and learn.

Receive a CD and booklet of the complete meditation, to
play/practice/study at home throughout the week.

Come to class and share/discuss your experiences and questions, to optimize your learning.

Shanti Cross is a formally initiated disciple of Swami Premodaya, and is the Chief Administrative Officer of the UCLA Brain Research Institute. She has studied and practiced meditation for decades. With prior experience in Transcendental Meditation, Osho Meditations, Tai Chi, Kabbalah and Yogananda, she has now dedicated herself fully to the original and powerful meditations created by Swami Premodaya.

Four (4) Monday Evenings ~ 7:00pm to 8:30pm
May 13 through June 10, 2013


$99 (Includes two meditation CD's & two meditation booklets)

Call 310.497.1899

Official Website: http://www.Premodaya.com

Added by Premodaya.com on March 21, 2013

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