#30 St Mark's Road Cross
Bangalore, Karnataka 560001

DHARMA SUBHASHITA (Thubten Lekshey Ling) Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Meditation and Study Center (www.dharmasubhashita.org) announces a teaching, “Meditation on Padmasambhava – For Shower of Blessings” by Acharya Chogyal Wangdi from the Institute of Higher Buddhist Studies at Namdroling Monastery (Golden Temples, Bylakkuppe) at ASHIRVAD, Bangalore on 12th July at 3:00pm. Admission Free.

This will be a meditation practice on Guru Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche) for receiving a shower of blessings to increase the power of one's spiritual practice and worldly deeds of virtuous nature. The teaching will also cover a set of common prayers of Mahāyāna and Vajrayāna Buddhism that may be recited with mindfulness before and after one's core practices to enrich the experience and accelerate the results.

Date & Time: 12th July 2008, 3:00pm to 5:30pm
Venue: Arrupe Hall, ASHIRVAD,
#30, St Marks Road Cross,
Opposite SBI, St Marks Road, Bangalore
Admission: FREE

This is a powerful meditation practice for receiving the shower of blessings, protection, guidance and wisdom from Guru Padmasambhava for one’s spiritual and worldly deeds that are virtuous. Guru Padmasambhava took the Buddhist teachings to Tibet and preserved the esoteric aspects of Buddhist teachings untainted in the Land of Snows. Meditating upon him leads to inner wisdom that unfolds the profound depths of the esoteric aspects of Buddhism and simplifies the teachings. He is known as the second Buddha in Tibetan Buddhism.

Guru Padmasambhava is regarded as the condensed essence of all the Buddhas making the appearance on earth after Gautama Buddha's Parinirvāna, as the Guru of Vajrayana to turn the fourth wheel of Dharma and guide practitioners of Vajrayāna through specific instructions. The enlightened mind-stream of Guru Rinpoche is the combined expression of the innate compassion and wisdom of countless Buddhas from countless eons. In order to teach Dharma in general, and the Secret Mantra and Maha-Sandhi-Yoga (Dzogchen) in particular, Guru Rinpoche appears to beings of countless world systems in various forms suiting to the karmic dispositions of specific practitioners. In that way, Guru Rinpoche continues the miraculous Buddha-activities even in the degenerate times and remain accessible to every being.

Official Website: http://www.dharmasubhashita.org

Added by Dharma-subhashita on July 8, 2008

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