2368 Walsh Ave
Santa Clara, California

Meditation Marathon
Diving Deep into one self

You are invited to join us for a special session on meditation.

Gentle Body Streching | Special Guided Meditation | Breathing Techniques

Video Presentation
The Mechanics of the Mind : Understanding the nature of the mind and what aids the process of meditation.

Recharge the Mind | Improve your Sleep
Amplify your focus | Reduce Stress

When : Sunday, August 28th, 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Where : Art of Living Center, 2368 Walsh Ave, Santa Clara, CA
Admission : Free ( Please RSVP )
RSVP: http://secure.artofliving.org/event_details.aspx?event_id=101291
Contact: 408-365-4265 | santaclara@us.artofliving.org

Official Website: http://secure.artofliving.org/event_details.aspx?event_id=101291

Added by aoloutreach2370 on August 24, 2011

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