If you seem to pick up on other people's feelings in the room, or you sometimes "just know" something that you had no way of logically knowing, that is your psychic or intuitive channels opening up. Diana believes that everyone has these abilities, and helps you to safely explore your own higher powers, so you can get your own intuitive answers to life's important questions. We learn techniques to deepen your meditative state and try a variety of meditation technques, and Diana leads you on a guided meditation to meet your guides. Diana conducts short psychic readings for the group. Contact Avalon Moon for more info or to register: 746-7389
Diana Friedell is a certiifed Metaphysician and Minister through Fellowships of the Spirit, was trained in Lily Dale, NY and has been conducting readings for 8 years.
Official Website: http://tuningin-tuningup/upcomingevents.html
Added by dianafriedell on May 13, 2009