Know how to properly mediate?
Our Meditation method is simple, enjoyable and delivers positive change immediately. It allows your mind to quiet down and enables your body to get the deep rest required to release stress and stay healthy.
Anyone at any age can learn to meditate. Even if your mind is very busy you can easily learn to meditate and enjoy the benefits.
Our meditation master will guide you how to calm yourself, calm your energy, become one with the universe, the art of Zen, the proper way of meditation, purification, healing and to meet other beautiful human beings with similar goals.
And during the workshop, the master will use the godly power to help you "clean" your bad aura during the workshop.
"Bad aura Regular Cleaning" is important to improve everyday luck, and bad fortune in life to reduce into minimum. Come to each meditation workshop for regular cleaning.
Meditation is a very good training for pre-astral projection and pre-Remote Viewing. Our "Meditation workshop" can lead to success to many paranormal abilities. Come learn with the best.
Benefits of Meditation:
A few minutes of proper Meditation each day brings a wide range of practical benefits - a clearer and more creative mind, better decision-making, improved health, greater happiness and more rewarding relationships in general.
Scientifically validated benefits include:
- Improve calmness of mind
- Reduced tension and anxiety
- Increased resistance to stress
- Improved memory and concentration
- Increased energy
- Improved physical health
- Reduced insomnia
- Increased self-esteem
- Slower aging
- Improve wisdom and in overall personal charm
Meditation starts to work straight away and changes occur quickly - improvements are often significant within the first few days and weeks of learning. Advanced Meditation workshop available upon request, this workshop will be beginner to medium level.
For men and women.
For more details:
* Wear comfortable clothe, we will be sitting on the floor to meditate.
* You can bring a Yoga mat to sit on if you want to, or bring a small blanket you can sit on.
* Come check in at 2 pm at the 12th floor sitting room, it is suggested you arrive on 1:50 pm.
* 2:00 pm, the Mediation master will lead you to the meditation room.
* 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm- main event.
** Water is provided in the meetup room.
** Invite your friends to come along too.
** Come to this workshop for a "Transforming" experience.
It is only $15/person.
(The picture is the Master who will conduct the workshops.)
Added by foreverharmony on February 26, 2010