2368 Walsh Ave
Santa Clara, California 95051

You are invited to be a part of our wellness campaign to spread awareness on the benefits of meditation. Meditation benefits not just you, but your family, community & the environment.
Benefits Reported:
Increased focus & concentration | Reduced Stress
Enhanced Clarity & Joy | Better Sleep
This Month:
When: Saturday @3:30 pm | Sunday @3:30 pm
July 9th | July 10th: Power of Meditation
July 16th | July 17th : Mind & Meditation
July 23rd | July 24th : Yogitation (Yoga + Meditation)
July 30th | July 31st : Meditation & Stress relief
Aug 6th | Aug 7th : Breathe, Meditate, Live
Admission: FREE ( RSVP : http://tinyurl.com/4x9yz2c)
Where : Art of Living Center, 2368 Walsh Ave, Santa Clara.
Contact : 408-365-4265 | santaclara@artofliving.org
More information:

Added by aoloutreach2370 on June 27, 2011