1280 Peachtree St Ne
Atlanta, Georgia 30309

!Medieval and Renaissance Treasures' consists of 35 medieval and renaissance masterpieces from one of the world's finest collections.

Added by Upcoming Robot on November 6, 2008



It's actually at the Roxie, not the Red Vic! But thanks for posting this!


BTW, if anyone has particular questions or aspects of the debate they'd like us to focus on, feel free to post them here and I'll pass them along to The Powers That Be.


"Should the Sender Pay?" sounds like kind of a leading question. I hope they'll avoid the common pitfalls that have hampered this debate thus far, and actually look at what's been proposed insetad of what they're scared might be proposed in some dark evil future where corporations (and Esther) rule the world.

irina slutsky

getv in da house! we be vloggin.


Here, I'll save everyone some time:
