4 Hamilton Place, Mayfair, London
London, England W1J 7BQ

Some of Europe’s most senior media executives, investment bankers, investors and deal makers will be speaking and networking at the inaugural MediaFinance 2007 conference.

Strategic issues will include the impact of disruptive technologies on traditional media, managing the digital transition across publishing and broadcasting, making the most out of multi-channel commerce and the case for and against online pure plays in both content and commerce. Our panels of experts will also give a health check on all the major media markets plus the capital markets crucial to media deals.

The schedule includes

•Overviews of recent deal activity, analysing key trends such as consolidation in TV production, proliferation of cross border deal making, the flight from print and increased interest from private equity
•Health check on the capital markets
•Analysis of key structural trends facing media, including audience fragmentation, online audience/ad migration, new opportunities for content such as long tail, collapsing windows, etc.

MediaFinance 2007 will have sessions to various sectors including broadcasting, publishing, new media and digital marketing and ecommerce. Attendees at this rich networking event include senior executives of a media businesses, TMT investment bankers, media law practices, deal intermediaries, private equity, venture capital and other fund advisors.

The event is being held at 4 Hamilton Place, Mayfair, London on May 9 and is researched and organised by Media Finance magazine and the consultancy, BroadGroup.

Official Website: http://www.tmtfinance.com/mf07

Added by RebeccaJones on April 19, 2007

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