When it comes to the web, beauty is more than skin deep. This workshop will take you beyond the surface of the screen and give you an appreciation for the underlying structure of semantic markup.
From simple elemental microformats that consist of nothing more than adding an attribute, right up to compound microformats that can be mashed up together, you’ll meet them all. Just as you can develop a nose for wine tasting, you can also develop a sense for spotting which content is just crying out to be microformatted. Once you’ve learned to see these patterns, you’ll never surf the web the same way again.
Then, you’ll get to grips with HTML5. Discover the design principles that are informing the latest version of the web’s lingua franca. You’ll find out why HTML5 is more of an evolution than a revolution. You’ll gain an understanding of the new semantics and get an insight into how new features should be used.
== What will be covered? ==
* The importance of meaningful markup.
* The problems solved by microformats.
* Formatting contact details with hCard.
* Formatting events with hCalendar.
* The design principles of HTML5.
* New structural elements.
* The new outline algorithm.
* Strategies for using HTML5 today.
== Who is this workshop for? ==
Web designers who have already had their brains rewired by the CSS Zen Garden will appreciate this next step into the world of extensible semantics. Front-end developers familiar with web standards will gain a deeper knowledge of the cutting-edge of semantic richness.
Official Website: http://atmedia.webdirections.org
Added by Web Directions on February 3, 2010