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Chicago, Illinois 60611

In one ferocious battle after another, without a moment’s rest between the defense of a key bridge and an assault on an enemy-held village, Echo Company had lost almost two-thirds of its Marines. But when another company of Marines radioed in desperate need of help, one relentless leader drove Echo forward again to answer the call.

The Pritzker Military Library is proud to welcome Medal of Honor recipient James E. Livingston for an interview with Ed Tracy on Thursday, March 20th. This program is free and open to the public. The presentation and live webcast will begin at 6:00 p.m., preceded by a reception for Library members at 5:00 p.m. It will also be recorded for television broadcast on WYCC-TV/Channel 20.

His tactics were skillful; his leadership fearless. Captain Livingston had been injured twice by grenade fragments in the battle at Dai Do, near the Cua Viet River in Vietnam, but he refused medical treatment and never even slowed down. On May 2nd, 1968, he led charges under heavy fire across rice paddies, into enemy trenches, and through several bunkers, driving back an enemy force of far superior size to rescue the stranded Marines. At last, hit by machine gun fire and unable to walk, Livingston refused evacuation and remained on the front line until the last of the survivors were safe. He received the Medal of Honor at the White House on May 14th, 1970.

Rising to the rank of Major General in 1991, he took command of the newly-formed Marine Forces Reserve in New Orleans, Louisiana. Now retired, Maj. Gen. Livingston continues to lead as a board member of several business and volunteer groups, including the Red Cross, the Boy Scouts, the National World War II Museum, the Medal of Honor Foundation, and has recently testified before Congress on behalf of early intervention for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Now in its fifth year, Medal of Honor with Ed Tracy has featured over twenty interviews with our nation’s greatest military heroes and their riveting stories of courage under fire. The 2008 season includes upcoming appearances by Medal recipients Bruce P. Crandall, Thomas G. Kelley, and several more, leading up to the 2009 Medal of Honor Convention in Chicago.

Seating for this event is limited, so reservations are recommended. Call 312.587.0234 or email events@pritzkermilitarylibrary.net.

Official Website: http://www.pritzkermilitarylibrary.org/events

Added by pritzkermilitarylibrary on January 23, 2008