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Chicago, Illinois 60611

For all of the money and development hours that go into best-selling video games, the virtual world still hasn’t caught up with what Patrick Brady could do with a real-life medevac helicopter in Chu Lai, Vietnam. In so doing, he earned the nation’s highest combat award: the Medal of Honor.

The Pritzker Military Library is proud to welcome Medal of Honor recipient Patrick H. Brady for a special interview with Ed Tracy on Wednesday, November 7, 2007. This program is free and open to the public, with a question-and-answer session to follow the interview. The presentation and live webcast will begin at 6:00 p.m., and a reception for Library members will precede the event at 5:00 p.m. This event will be taped for broadcast on WYCC Channel 20.

Brady’s rescue missions defy imagination. His helicopter flew to crash sites that no other vehicle could reach by land or sky. He flew sideways up mountains and through valleys shrouded in darkness and fog, using faint outlines of trees and streams to orient his craft; he spotted faint skidmarks from the air to make a safe landing in a minefield, and kept his copter in the air with a hole blown in the side. In all, Brady’s helicopters were riddled by enemy fire more than 400 times, and never went down. Far greater, though, were the numbers of American, South Vietnamese, and North Vietnamese soldiers he rescued in mission after tireless mission, a medic and a soldier who cared deeply about taking care of people and kept in top physical condition to do it.

Maj. Gen. Patrick H. Brady retired from the Army in 1993. He is the current Chairman of the Citizens Flag Alliance, which lobbies for a constitutional amendment to ban desecration of the American flag, and the former President of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society.

Now in its fourth year, Medal of Honor with Ed Tracy has featured over twenty interviews with our nation’s greatest military heroes and their riveting stories of courage under fire. The fall season includes an upcoming appearance by Medal recipient Walter D. Ehlers.

Seating for this event is limited, so reservations are strongly recommended. Call 312.587.0234 or email events@pritzkermilitarylibrary.net.

Official Website: http://www.pritzkermilitarylibrary.org/events

Added by pritzkermilitarylibrary on September 7, 2007