Civic Square
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2608

"Me Right Now" is a captivating snapshot of the lives of the young Australians through contemporary dance. Interrogating notions of youth, adolescence, gender roles and public image, 3 choreographers from around the country have developed the work collaboratively with 28 young performers from Canberra's Quantum Leap youth dance ensemble.

Over the 55-minute performance, the dancers offer a rare glimpse at their inner worlds as they dance furiously, tenderly, and with honesty about the unique qualities of their generation.

“We’ve grown up in a culture that believes in a universal desire to be forever young. We’ve been classified,deconstructed, censored and endlessly re-imagined into extremes: the desirable ideal or dangerously out-of-control. ‘Me Right Now’ is our own story: with our limitless opportunities for distraction and over-stimulation, and our inheritance of a world changing as rapidly as we are.”

Official Website:

Added by sarah kaur on May 2, 2012

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