155 McNary Estates Drive North,
Keizer, Central Singapore 97303

Please join us for an evening gathering of classmates and friends, celebrating the Reunion of McNary High School's Class of 1999
McNary Golf Course
in Keizer, Oregon
Saturday, July 25th at 8:00 pm
Cost is $20 per person
Wives, husbands, significant others and dates are all welcome to accompany class members. Adults only please*.
Please RSVP and purchase your ticket(s) right here at this very website
Just in case, the link is www.ninetynine.eventbrite.com
For those of you who are wondering... in addition to hors d'oevres, adult beverages will be available
If you have questions or comments, please contact
Sarah Henke @ Shenke22@yahoo.com or
Shanyn Larson @ Shanyn.Larson@gmail.com
Also, please help us spread the word and gather contact info! Please share this link others from our class, via Email, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Linkedin,etc., by using the links at the top of the page.

***10 Year Class Reunion Family Picnic will be Saturday, July 25th 2009 at the Carousel building of the Waterfront Park in downtown Salem from 5 - 7:30 pm. Especially for those with kids, this will be the event you will want to be at. We will provide the classic musical hits from 1999, the venue, and the BBQ equipment. You bring your family, your food, your things to BBQ, your kids, your lawn chairs and blankets, your stories, and just anything else you need for a fun summer night.Sorry: No alcohol will be permitted at this venue. Please attend the evening adult event at McNary States Golf Club.Please HELP! If you are willing to help make this event the best reunion BBQ the class of 99 has ever had, please contact AJ Swoboda at 541-513-4688***

Ticket Info:  Party Like It's Nineteen Ninety Nine, $20.00

Official Website: http://ninetynine-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 19, 2009

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