285 Century Place
Louisville, Colorado 80027

This webinar will discuss the importance of nursing documentation, and identify mechanisms to increase the effectiveness of the patient compact. It will also define the role of the nurse leader to implement a patient compact. Webinar attendees will learn how to determine the right mix of collaborative partnerships to drive patient safety agendas. This includes building partnerships with boards of directors, medical boards, tertiary/rural hospitals, technology vendors, charitable organizations, legislative bodies and patients. http://www.mckesson.com/en_us/McKesson.com/For%2BHealthcare%2BProviders/Hospitals/Nursing%2BSolutions/Nursing%2BSolutions.html

Official Website: http://www.mckesson.com/en_us/McKesson.com/For%2BHealthcare%2BProviders/Hospitals/Nursing%2BSolutions/Nursing%2BSolutions.html

Added by mckessonclinicalsolutions on August 24, 2009