1015 Folsom st
San Francisco, California 94103

Prior Years Partygoers Comments:
McAffe's "Partyred" last year was a completely packed rager held at a mid-sized nightclub. This year, they are moving to one of San Francisco's largest nightclubs. We expect this party to be hopping, especially in the later hours. The event is scheduled until midnight.

Packed, cheering, booze is flowing freely.

The venue is one of San Francisco's largest night clubs. Perfect for dancing to loud music.

No invite needed. Just show up.

* Please forward any RSA party invites that you receive to "rsaparties@gmail.com". The identities of our contributors are kept strictly confidential.
* Check this Yahoo Upcoming group frequently as parties are added throughout the RSA conference: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/group/15660
* Follow "RSAparties" on Twitter to obtain up-to-the-minute updates of RSA Parties in progress.

Official Website: http://siblog.mcafee.com/uncategorized/mcafee-invites-partners-to-rsa-2010/

Added by RSA Parties on March 1, 2010

Interested 1