MBAs for Doctors - Learn the secrets of top Business School entry is
a day long course designed for doctors in training and medical students
who are considering studying for an MBA. It will particularly focus on top level MBA programmes, the entry process, and the issues that are relevant to doctors when considering their applications.
It is run by a psychiatrist and MBA student at the London Business School.
Tell me more
complete your medical degree and gain a specialty qualification is no
longer enough to succeed in todays competitive job marketplace. The NHS is becoming increasingly management focussed and knowledge of commercial skills is becoming a necessary staging post for career development
provision for better or worse is becoming increasingly commercial, many
doctors are dissatisfied with current training provision in the NHS
or see management as a further skill which they need to get to grips
with. Many doctors would simply like to change careers and move onto
pastures new. An MBA programme can be the stepping stone through which career change, a career break or personal renewal can occur.
This course will:
Open your eyes to the vast array of opportunities available through completing an MBA
Provide context on why now is the perfect time to take an MBA as a medical professional
Outline the choices in the international MBA market
Provide tips on getting started and tailoring your choice to your career needs
a huge range of inside information on free resources, networking tools,
and other cost effective services to help you transition into a more
commercial mindset.
School you in strategies to deal with the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), admission essays and Business school interview technique.
Network with other MBA candidates and meet other doctors who have been through the process.
Organized by Osler's NodeThe Careers Marketplace for the UK medical Community
Ticket Info: Standard, £153.75
Official Website: http://oslersnode-upcoming.eventbrite.com