320 Hull St.
Richmond, Virginia 23220

In May and June of each year Art Works proudly partners with the art programs at Henrico High School , Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School and this year Lee Davis High School. The work is the result of four years of study and ranges from paintings, sculptures and installations to fashion. Henrico High and Maggie L. Walker share the main gallery space by exhibiting on different dates.

Join us on May 25th 7-10 p.m. for the FOURTH FRIDAY art show and reception featuring Henrico High, Lee Davis High School and 3 other shows. Then on June 8th come to the art center for the Maggie Walker School art show and reception. The events are free and open to the public.

All exhibits (except the Henrico High School exhibit) continue through June 27, 2012. This event is free and open to the public. Free parking in the 4th Street parking lot compliments of Art Works.
Exhibits include:
HENRICO CENTER FOR THE ARTS SENIOR SHOW Mary Scurlock guides her students through the many facets of art and the culmination of this work is the senior show at Art Works. The opening reception is May 25 from 7-10 p.m.. The exhibit continues through June 5. The exhibit will be in the Jane Sandelin Gallery.
MAGGIE L. WALKER GOVENOR’S SCHOOL SENIOR ART EXHIBITION Jeff Hall provides the inspiration and guidance for the visual art students at Maggie L. Walker where he supports a broad range of experiences in both two and three dimensions and a wide variety of media. The students present their work on June 8th with a reception at 7:00 p.m.. The show continues through June 17th. The exhibit will be in the Jane Sandelin Gallery.
PhotographE The Lee Davis High School art exhibit will be in the Skylight Gallery. Madison Fairburn is the guide and curator. The exhibit is from May 25th – June 17th.
PEOPLE/PLACES + THINGS Donna Gassie will present new photography work in the Centre Gallery, East. The exhibit is from May 25th – June 17th.
SOULFUL CREATIONS Known for her figures of large eyed female beauties and fairies, Terry L. Smith paints humans in a surrealistic way, representing the face in an emotional, unique and evoking manner. She is exhibiting a new body of work in the Centre Gallery, West. The exhibit is from May 25th – June 17th.
MAY 2012 ALL MEDIA ART SHOW This exhibit is a focal point of all Art Works’ openings. It is a juried show with cash prizes and is open to all artists and all mediums. Call for Entries is on May 18th and 19th, 2012 at Art Works. The juror is Josh George. The exhibit is from May 25th – June 17th.

Official Website: http://artworksrichmond.com/Show2012-05.htm

Added by ArtWorksRichmond on May 16, 2012