111 West Main Street Suite 140
Carmel, Indiana 46032

May Events and Activities in Carmel

Arts & Design District

Carmel , IN – Many merchants and businesses in the Carmel Arts & Design District have fun and educational activities and events planned for the month of May. Please see the following list of events in the District. For more information regarding these events, please use the information provided for each listing. For more information about the Carmel Arts & Design District, please call 571-ARTS (2787) or visit the website at www.carmelartsandesign.com.

May Activities in Carmel Arts & Design District

DATE CHANGE NOTICE!: The date for Rock the District, originally scheduled for Saturday, May 19th, has been changed to Friday, July 6th and Saturday July 7th. Please make note of the date change. For questions or for more information, please call the Arts & Design District Office at 317-571-2787.

- Ami Gallery ( 240 E. Main Street )

o Thursday, May 3rd, 4-8 p.m.: Gallery Opening

§ Featuring over 60 images by local high school students from Carmel High School and Park Tudor

§ Free

o For more information: 317-663-4798 or www.amiphoto.net

- Artisan Masterpiece ( 19 E. Main Street )

o Saturday, May 5th, 1-3 p.m.: Mother’s Day Special Craft and Card Making for families, Refreshments will be served

§ $15/child

o Regularly scheduled children and adult, day & evening art classes: Interior Design Class; Potter’s Wheel and Stained Glass workshops and classes; Glass Painting, Watercolor & Oil; Basic Drawing; Mixed Media; Drawing for Young Adults & Adults; Faux Painting Watercolor & Oil; and Mixed Media

o For more information, please call 317-818-0774 or visit www.artisanmasterpiece.com

- Carmel Chamber of Commerce (37 E. Main , Suite 300 )

o Wednesday, May 9th, noon – Chamber luncheon

§ Ritz Charles

§ Cost: $15/members, $20/non-members

§ Reservations: 317-846-1049

- Carmel Clay Public Library ( 55 4th Ave. SE )

o May 22 – June 2: Preserving Nature: An Art Exhibition of Central Indiana Land Trust Nature Preserves

§ Free and open to the public

o For more information visit www.cilti.org or call the library at 317-571-4292

- Carmel Old Town Antique Mall ( 38 W. Main Street )

o Featuring Race Memorabilia and Military items in window display area with special deals

o For more information, please call 317-566-1908 or visit, www.carmeloldtownantiquemall.com

- Deborah De Fazio Lyons Portrait Art Studio & Gallery ( 43 W. Main Street )

o Custom Mother’s Day Portrait Art Special

o For more information, please call 317-509-1516 or visit www.deborahlyonsportraits.com

- Grosser & Company, Master Jewelers ( 2 W. Main Street )

o Featuring race car and sports jewelry custom made by Mark Grosser, certified Master Jeweler

o For more information please call, 317-663-7000, or visit www.grosserandcompany.com

- Museum of Miniature Houses ( 111 E. Main Street )

o Saturday, May 5th, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.: 3rd Annual Attic Sale

§ Held at the Carmel Lions Club (next door, 141 E. Main Street )

§ Miniature items and full-sized household items for sale

§ Proceeds benefit The Museum of Miniature Houses

o May Exhibit – Wartime Toys

§ Take a step back in time and reminisce about the toys that were popular during WWII, including dolls, bomber models, and games

o Museum Hours: Wed.-Sat., 11 a.m. – 4 p.m., Sunday, 1-4 p.m.

o Admission: $4/Adults, $2/Children under 12

o For more information: 317-575-9466 or www.museumofminiatures.org

- Skin Sense Med Spa ( 39 W. Main Street )

o Welcome summer and Thank Mom with Wonderfully Elegant, Soothing Rose Petal Facial, Detoxifying Chocolate facial, Clarifying and Refreshing Antioxidant Rich Citrus facial, and Sundari signature Anti-Aging Firming Facial, a pick-me-up look in one hour! All facials $75 during May with mention of publication.

o For more information please call, 317-819-0011

- World’s Smallest Children’s Art Gallery ( 40 W. Main Street )

o Art exhibit by students of Prairie Trace Elementary School under direction of Christine Swiegart, art teacher

o Open Sundays, May 6th (reception), 13th, & 20th, 2-4 p.m.

o Other hours are by appointment. Please call, 317-844-4989
o Admission: Free

Andrea Stumpf

Communications Manager

Carmel Redevelopment Commission

Arts & Design District Office

Phone: 317-571-2790
Fax: 317-571-2789
Email: astumpf@carmel.in.gov


Official Website: http://www.CarmelArtsAndDesign.com

Added by Pendleton-Gazette on April 30, 2007

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